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 800 cash that's a hell of a deal Ft. Hunter

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800 cash is a hell of a deal

This morning you woke up earlier than the birds. You started with the usual smoke, washing in the river nearby. By then, the forest was alive, the sun was showing the first bits of his face and you headed to your garden. The special kind of garden. Weed and magical mushroom grew in there. You did the usual trimming, the watering and checking that everything was fine for your little buddies. You then took care of your actual garden where you grew food. Picked up a few berries. That was breakfast. It wasn’t much, but you were used to not having much. You had bread and peanut butter upstairs which would be perfect to complete this morning routine. Getting dressed, picking up your books and the marchandise you had to bring to Hunter plus a little more for customers at school. The usual morning in Bray for you.

You jumped on your bike, no helmet, life was too short. You then left the forest to head toward the actual town. You had a class in less than an hour. You’d have to move a little faster than usual. It was usual, waking up too late was your thing. You arrived five minutes before class started. You took the time to have another smoke, as you didn’t care much about being on time. You sent a text message to Hunter so he’d meet you at school at noon. You didn’t have class in the afternoon and you could hang out with him for a while. Many people didn’t like him, but you did have a debt toward him. His arrival in town kind of saved your ass from being killed by a bunch of dealer you used to work for.

You headed to class, after dropping all your stuff in your locker. You had chemistry lab that morning. You got in there ten seconds before your teacher closed the door. Of course he said somethink about you being late, as usual. You didn’t say anything, you headed to your lab station and put your white coat and glasses on. Your lab partner wasn’t there today. Great, you could work faster and get out of the stupid class. You started the lab and within twenty minutes you were already done. You smirked and gave your paper to your teacher with a little reverence, just to prove to him how good you were. You went back to your locker, grabbed your bag, texted Hunter that you were done and ready the get out. You headed outside, openned the cigarette pack and picked a cigarette. The taste of tobacco in your mouth felt so great. You looked at the street waiting for him to arrive and get you out of this hell hole called university.
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800 cash is a hell of a deal

You didn’t really cared about anyone, you were the kind of person that didn’t want to get attached, that could’nt care. Even if you would have wanted too, you could’nt have. You were the type of guy that flew into life without looking behind, you could destroy the world and you wouldn’t care. And you could guess why you were like that, you could think that it might be because you kill the only person you ever cared for, it might be because you saw too much, lived too long, but in fact, you never really had a soul, you were empty inside. And even if sometimes, you think you might have one, even if sometimes, rarely, it could show that you have one, in reality, you were like an empty shell. It didn’t affect you, actually, you were quite glad, but then, you never did anything for anyone than yourself. Every action you took, everything you did, was for you and only for yourself. The last dealer, the one that was the king before you, you killed him without the blink of an eye. And you would’ve have killed the fairy that was hanging out with him, the one that cook his drugs, but he was useful to you. You didn’t made the same mistake than him though, you gave him something for his services. You wanted him to be productive, and nothing makes you more productive than the smell of money. However, you didn’t expect him to thank you, and you surely didn’t expect him to consider you as a friend. You didn’t have any friend, you didn’t want any. You had partners, collegues, employees, fuckfriend, but you didn’t had any friend. You liked some people, like the barmaid at the Ambush, or Scylla. You wouldn’t say it to anyone, not even under torture, not even to yourself, but you knew that she was growing in your skins, that she was more important than just the toy that you wanted to see in her. But that, no one knew, not even you.

No. You didn’t expect him to grew found of you. No one ever liked you, you were and asshole, and you were proud to be. But without you knowing, you kinda grew found of the boy too, he wasn’t just a dealer and a cooker, he also was a friend, a partner you would put your trust into. But you hated to wait for him to finish school, you had errands to run, dope to deal, but he had to fucking go to school. And you didn’t quite understand why he was still going to his boring classes, he could make good money with you, and even if you had to disapear, you had the time to show him the rope, so he could take your place. You trusted him enough to let him run your little empire. The engine running, the motorcycle stopping in front of him, you grab the extra helmet you had and throwing it to him.

‘’Let’s go. You’re late.’’

It wasn’t you style to show people you appreciated them and you probably never will. But then, you weren’t really the type of person full of hugs and rainbow, nah, you were death and blood, screams and pain. If they couldn’t handle it, they had no affair to be with you.
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800 cash is a hell of a deal

You puffed on this sweet thing that was tobacco. You didn’t care much for the possible outcome, like cancer, you smoked cigarette, you drank beer. The only thing you didn’t touched were the drugs you made and sold to the good people of Bray. You had some special customers, the one that were your guinea pigs. They had a cheaper deal, but to the price of being the first to try your newest tests. You didn’t touch that. You had people to do so, Hunter had people for that. You only had to create the mix for them. Hunter, his long blond hair, his attitude. He always looked like he couldn’t care less about anything. Nothing appeared to bother him. Everything was just empty, people were discusting and nobody ever matters to him. That is what he wanted people to believe. You were sure of that, but inside, you knew there was more to him. There was a soft side, like with everyone. Even the thoughest, murderers, crazy people, everyone had a soft side. A soft part of them they tried to hide, because no one should ever be aware of this part of them. This part that made them fond on some little fairy like you. The part that made believe you could almost consider him like a friend. Defenitly not a real friend, more like the beginning of a friendship. A good partnership, something like, two people who got along fine, who had something to help each other, in this fucked up world.

You heard the motorcycle. The sound it made was like music. The music of freedom, Hunter was here. He stopped it front of you, you smiled, because you were happy to get out of uni. You grabbed the extra helmet he throwed at you. He told you that you were late. You smiked, you answered :

« Late. Late, well that kinds depends of your definition of late! »

Sarcasm, irony. These were things you enjoyed. You hoped on the back of the engine, your bag on your back. Everything was fine, the wind would blow on your face for a while. Just so you’d get away from here. Go away from this shithole.

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800 cash is a hell of a deal


No. Really. You didn’t expect him to grew fond of you. It’s not like you were ever nice to him, you felt like you were always pushing him to his limits, always trying to make him better. You wanted him to be tough. You didn’t want him to be like you found him at first, scared of his shadow, of anything. It was funny you took him under your wing though. It was unexpected, even for you. You didn’t cared about anyone, you never did. You thought of anyone as of little ants that should be walk on, spit on, killed if they did not follow your orders. You never cared about anyone, and surely not a thawny kid that couldn’t fight for himself. Maybe it’s because you needed him, you needed the drugs he could make for you. But you aren’t the type of guy that receive without giving back, you hate debt, you hate to owe something to anyone. So you make sure to never be in debt, you make sure to always be ahead of others.

A smile appear on your face as he answers you.

“Well my definition of late is never being available. So, guess you’re always late then. You should definitely take care of that.”

Yah. You’ll never understand is obsession with school, you’ll never understand why he kept on going, if it was your decision, you’ll simply quit everything. But then again, you were never the type of guy that was looking for an education, you learned everything by yourself, always on the rush, but when you’re a Djinn, school’s never quite an option. But in any case, you liked the rush of the streets better than going to classes. The vision of you, sitting at a desk in a clss full of people made you chuckles. Nah, seriously, you would’nt have been a good student anyway.

“You got what we need?”

He was supposed to cook, he was supposed to bring some drugs for the customer you were about to go see. A big one, very big one, the kind of customers that could be treated as kings. But even them, they weren’t always safe, even them could need a reminder once in a while that you were bigger than them, stronger. And this visit was one of them. They needed a little reminder, they started to become a bit too easy-going around you. And you wanted him to tag along, you wanted him to learn, to scared people. If he was going to run, he was going to be the one, he had to learn like you learned, without warning, without knowing. That’ll be a great test too, see if he was worth it.
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800 cash is a hell of a deal

You liked him. Probably because he saved your ass during some harder time. He totally took care of you since. For a young man without a familly, raised by his sister, you kind of considered him like a mentor, or a big brother that finds you a little annoying. He always pushed you to do more, to be tougher. It wasn’t always easy. You were a fairy after all. Fairies didn’t have that nature of being that tough, or at least, not the one you knew. You had always been told you were just some fragile thing, that human and other bad people would want to kill you. That why you lived far away from town. In the forest, by yourself, you were fine there and you were alive. Alone with your garden, with your home. The best thing about Hunter was that he always gave back. He payed you a lot more than anyone before. He gave you actual money, money that you mostly spend at the bar drinking. Money you used to pay for school. These were your two biggest expense.
His definition of lite was never being available. He guessed you were always late and suggested you took care of that. You smiled still, that was kind of a smirk. Never being available. You had about 20 hours of class every week and five of mandatory lab. Plus the five more where you used the lab illegally to make drugs for Hunter. You were then unavailable to him for only 30 hours a week, and five of these you were working for him, making synthetics in a clean lab at school.

« Taking care of being able to use the best lab in town without any trouble? Plus, chemistry is important to work for you and make the best I can. It’s even better than the stuff I used to cook before.»

The new batch you had on you was probably the best looking one. With all the chemistry you had been doing, there was no doubt, his customers were up for the trip of their life. You loved school, you were a little obssessed, or so did people say. You had great grades. You were smart, you studied little, but understood so quickly you didn’t have to spend hours in your books. Studying for hours was for people who didn’t understand and that wasn’t your case. School was also a great place to cook. Cook all the drugs you want without looking suspiscious. You looked like a good student practicing his labs. If only they knew how bad you were really inside. He asked if you had what you need. Of course you did. If you had not, he probably would have been displeased. You kept smiking :

« Who do you think I am? Of course I do. »

And you did. You had everything on you. From marijuana to pills stopping by with shrooms and fairy dust. You had no idea where you were heading, no clue of who the customers were or what they actually wanted. You had a little of everything, because you knew Hunter would sell it anyway today. He could sell anything to anyone. He was a great seller compared to you. You only were a tiny cook, a tiny fairy.

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800 cash is a hell of a deal

Well, you had to say that he was kinda right, his shit was way better then when you first found him, so you only laugh at his answer. You still didn’t like school, you still didnt saw the importance of it, but then, you were in the twenty first century for a little bit more than a year and hadn’t saw the world since four hundred years. Back then, school was for the privilieged, the 1% of the population that could actually afford it. It was expensive, and people had no money, they only had enough to put food on their table. So yeah, you still had that old mentality, you still had this 400 years olds though around your head, you still didn’t understand how woman had become so important and so free in the past years, you still didn’t understand how the television worked, but you like your motorcycle, you like the vibration, the sound, the feeling. It was almost as being free, far faster than any animal you could transform into. You loved it.

“You do know that I have enough money to make you a hella bigger lab, right?”

Well, drugs pays well, and you weren’t the kind of guy that didn’t want to invest in something to make his business even better. If that means that your best cook was always available, well, you would do it in a heartbeat. You didn’t look at the money the way other people looked at it, mostly because it wasn’t your nature to be blind by money. You find it useful, but it didn’t go behond that.

“The kind of kid that has way to much free time.”

He didn’t, you knew, when he wasn’t with you, he was at school, but you still thought that school was a waste of time, it was free time for you. Anyway, you knew he wouldn’t budge, wouldn’t quit school, the kid was stubborn, you would give him that. You didn’t say anything else, start you engine, went off. You had something to do, something planned. You turn off the engine in front of an old building, not very far away from the university. You stepped out, removing your helmet to put it on your handlebar, a smile on your face. You never brought him in your run, well, not this kind of run.

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Findley F. Ferguson a écrit:
800 cash is a hell of a deal

You baked. Baked so much in the last few months. You had started to be afraid of things that could go wrong. You thought maybe something could happen. You could loose your life. You were starting to be a little paranoid. You were a fairy after all. Your parents had died, were killed, your sisters had both left town to start new lives. You stayed though. Knowing you could get hurt, you could loose your life. You never moved out of the family house, the one were you were born. To you it was home and you couldn't change and go somewhere else. He spoke, you stopped thinking. He did have enough money to buy anything you were needing to cook, but you didn't want him to spend his money on you. You didn't want to owe him more than you already did. Life was already something pretty big to owe to someone. You knew if he wanted he could, that nothing was too hard to do for Hunter, but you didn't want him to help you too much. You still wanted to feel a little freedom.

He also said you were the kind of kid that had way too much free time. That wasn't true. You had so much to do. Selling in bars, going to school, baking, taking care of the garden. You didn't read books for pleasure anymore, you only read for school. For things that could make you a better gardenner, a better cook. Drugs were pretty much the biggest part of your life. School was the only thing left that made you feel like any other guy your age.

The wind in your hair even tough you had a helmet. The motorcycle going along the way. You looked around, watched the houses pass by. You weren't too far from the university. You looked as the engine stopped, removed your helmet too watched him smile. You were just worried. You looked at him handed him the bag and said:

«I don't think I can do this today Hunter.»

You were scared. You knew being scared wasn't going to work. You didn't want to follow him into that place. You didn't want to see the violence that could erupt from him. You were afraid and wanted to run. You took a deep breath and said:

«Maybe another day... I'm sorry for wasting your time.»

You left the helmet on the bike, You got down from it and just walked the way back to the university. You weren't ready and you knew and knew. You ended up running, as if he was going to run after you to make you do this. But you knew he wouldn't. He knew that one day you'd be ready and that day, he'd be there for you to be with him.


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800 cash that's a hell of a deal Ft. Hunter
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